A downloadable One-Page dungeon

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A lvls 3-4 2 hours long One Paged Dungeon

A meteorite has fallen to our world. Mysterious blue mist drips from inside it. Are you brave enough to find out its secrets?

When a secret space association called The Luminaries, conformed by stellar sorcerers decides to make their first attack on your plane, a group of adventurers must venture inside it to put a stop to them. Battle oozes, solve puzzles, and let this to be the start of a new adventure.



Una dungeon de una sola hoja, de 2 horas de duration para los niveles 3-4

Un meteorito ha caido en nuestro mundo. Una misteriosa nievla azul sale de dentro. ¿Eres lo suficientemente valiente para hayar sus secretos?

Cuando una organización secreta llamada Los Luminarios, conformada por hechiceros estelares decide hacer el primer ataque en tu plano, un grupo de aventureros debe aventurarse dentro para poner un fin a su meta. Batalla cienos, soluciona acertijos, y deja que este sea el comienzo de una nueva aventura.

The adventure allows the DM to tie future adventures to this one from the contents found in its interior.


The product contains A4Letter, and Simplified page formats, as well as the map in top-down view allowing easy play in virtual format.

The Simplified Page includes accessible and easy-to-read text with alt text for the map.


Get this One-Page dungeon and 34 more for $20.00 USD
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Click download now to get access to the following files:

La_Estrella_Caida_Espanol.zip 1.1 MB
Maps.zip 1.5 MB
Read_this_first.txt 774 bytes
Simplified_Version.pdf 241 kB
The_Fallen_Star_A4.pdf 620 kB
The_Fallen_Star_Letter.pdf 620 kB

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